Title: 7 Jikan-me Rhapsody
Artist: Tanaka Meca
Genre(s): Comedy, Romance, School Life, Shoujo
Length: #1 Volumes (complete)

Summary: Toudou Rinko is a serious and reliable class representative, now in 2nd year of high school. It happens that the first male person she starts to notice is her homeroom teacher, Saku Makoto. She ends up helping the nonchalant and playful teacher with his “Love Guidance Room”.

Also included is Tanaka sensei’s earlier 1998 work “Light Right Rabbit”
Usami is a high-school student who likes children. After an incident on a school trip, he plays with the children at their kindergarten. The children call him “Usagi” because of his magic trick. He also happens to be in love with one of the kindergarten teachers.


 Volume #
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (end)

3 thoughts on “7 Jikan-me Rhapsody

  1. « Quand l’hymne à l’amour, allongé sur le dos » heuuuu elle ne dit pas Amour o_O !!!!! Quand l’hymne à allongé sur le dos: ça fait caÊtre au pas c’est n’être pasCa peut etre chic de faire du tocTact total c’est l’ere du tocC’est nonC’est peut etre chic C EST L AIR DU TOC <<< elel dit ça  Arnaud Romano1027

  2. Honzo me ta prevodovka dela dost podobne veci jako tobe, a litat se s tim da. Pokud jsi strojar, tak zcela chapu, ze to urazi tve citeni, asi i nejake to procento ucinnosti se tim ztraci, ale celkem to funguje (u me uz skoro rok).Ja ji tam rozhodne necham, protoze na “to moje litani” to staci. Mimochodem, ted jsem zkusil v Etalonovi novou (nonAutonomy) 3s baterku a je to dobrej hukot, 300W a 16m/s kolmo nahoru… prevodovka prezila (zatim). Ale to je jen rekreacni verze, na zavody 2s a 120W.

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