Title: Boku wo Tsutsumu Tsuki no Hikari
Artist: Hiwatari Saki
Genre(s): Drama, Psychological, Romance, Sci-fi, Shoujo, Supernatural
Length: 15 Volumes (complete)
Joint with Tsuki Scans
Summary: Since the conclusion of the original series, Rin and Alice are leading happy lives. Their son, Ren, is a very normal boy. But one day, a man and a woman as beautiful as an angel appear in front of him and tell him about a power! What is this power that Ren suddenly has? The much anticipated sequel to “Please Save My Earth”!
thank you so much for your hard work!!! HUGS <3
Thank a lot for all of your hard working. I have a very selfish request but I hope you would consider it, would you translate “Junketsu + Kareshi” from volume 5 and volume 4 (last volume) of “Sui Tang Heroes” ?
Been crying all night as this series… I love it so much and I thank you so so much for all your hard work.
Thank you and really appreciate the esthetique team
thank you for completing this series, you guys rock!
Thank you so much for scanlating this manga!
Thank you so much for you hard work on this manga!
This is amazing work, thanks guys!