Title: Catch! Ai (or Catch! Love)
Artist: Kobayashi Hiromi
Genre(s): Josei, Romance
Length: 10 Volumes (complete)
Summary: Campus comedies weren’t always the leading plot of shoujo manga. The old shoujo manga used to focus on personal accomplishments, or becoming somebody. “Catch, Love” is about a girl who picks up a camera someday and realizes that she wants to be a photographer, like her father once was. She starts working for a magazine, meeting some celebrities and taking photos of them. But those old ladies chastise the girl because she falls short to emulating the great photographer, her father. She aims to perfect her skills and win compliments from those who loved her father’s work… And of course, she receives a lot of support from her friends and the love of her life. A lonely heroine can’t make a good story!
Image Coming Soon! | Volume 1 — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 |
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Volume 2 |
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much for this, please update it.
Hopefully we’ll start releasing these soon. We were just waiting to find a translator for this project and now we have one. Now I just have to get an editor on it…
thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
I suspect it is better for everybody if Charlie Kaufman writes two screenplays per year than if he writes and directs one movie every three years. How many Kaufman screenplays didn't get written because he exhausted himself directing Synechdoche, N.Y.?There is this line v. staff distinction that ought to be remembered: a lot of directing consists of doing stuff that takes a lot of energy and organizational skill, but not necessarily Kaufman-level originality.
Näiden äitien mielestä on ilmeisesti parempi että tytöille kerrotaan kuukautisista vasta sitten kun ne ovat alkaneet.Monty Pythonin Elämän tarkoitus elokuvassa on asiallinen esimerkki siitä, miten lisääntyminen pitää esitellä koululaisille.
Hey Chris,schön das du unseren Blog kennst und hoffentlich gefällt er dir auch. . Gerne können wir uns mal nach den ersten Tagen oder Wochen treffen und Erfahrungen austauschen. Lass und das doch ganz einfach per Mail ausmachen. VG,Patrick
Pleasssse please I beg of you update this manga completely if possible I LOVE THIS manga and reread it for almost over 5 times…… I really appreciate all of your hard work of translating hundreds of manga everyday…. I know it’s very difficult but this manga is so completely worth all the work it’s super good……. Please update this soon pleasssssse…. Thank you !!!! You guys are the most coolest hardworking persons in the world :))))))
Zici ca "popii nu sunt mai cu mot ca altii". Nici regii, nici presedintii nu sunt mai cu mot ca altii, dar totusi au autoritate si dau legi si stapanesc cu mai mult sau mai putina dreptate si legitimitate peste altii. Acest fenomen al inegalitatii puterii oamenilor este natural. Egalitarismul uman nu este firesc. Solutia este ca poporul sa nasca preoti, presedinti si parlamentari mai buni, nu sa desfiinteze institutiile respective.